Sunday 3 March 2013

100 in 100 challenge: Fight Club (1999)

First rule of Fight Club: Don't talk about Fight Club.

Sorry! Just had to get that off my chest. No more cliched references to the film, I promise.

So I took over a week off. Shoot me. Bit of a delay because of... oh yes, my life. One thing I have definitely learnt; making time to watch a film a week and really pay attention to it is really, really hard! But here, smashing through metaphorical double doors into the still-more-laboured metaphoric court room of my blog just in the nick of time with key evidence to put the room at ease, is my review:

After three films with not much to laugh about, I had but one question about Fight Club before I sat down and watched it.

Is it funny?

The answer I got: "I wouldn't say funny..."

Damn straight this film isn't funny. For some reason my 'pre-watch' impression of this film was two hilarious hours of obese men jumping on each other. But it's really not. I think this delusion may have stemmed from a rather tortured reference to Fight Club in an adaption of a Dick King Smith novel I watched when I was a kid. Basically, an escaped piglet joins the imaginatively named 'Pig Club', where the first rule was...? 

Don't talk about Pig Club.  

Oh wow. I bet you weren't expecting that one. 

In reality, Fight Club about a lot of gun violence and underground terrorist organisations, with Helena Bonham Carter breaking the mould as a crazy, yet not evil, lady. Who has a lot of very loud sex.

I really enjoyed this film. To all those who have not seen this film you need to watch it because the plot, the satiric references to society as we know it, the soap: will all blow your mind. And plus there is a very cool twist that you only sort of expect (can't say anymore without giving it away).

But I feel like my personal viewing experience of this film was marred by my preconceptions of Fight Club. Which was quite disappointing really, because I spent most of the film waiting to laugh, and really wanting to, but feeling quite disappointed when I wasn't. 

So this post is my personal plea to anyone: be you man, woman, film adaptor of children's novels: don't ruin this film for other people. Stop making jokes about the rules of Fight Club to make others think that this film is going to make you laugh every other minute, when it actually isn't. Just stop. You're only ruining it for other people.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is:

Second rule of Fight Club: DON'T TALK ABOUT FIGHT CLUB


For the full list of rules:

NEXT WEEK- Roberta (1935)

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